
Showing posts from July, 2020

Marketing Your Business In The Midst Of Covid-19: 5 Tips To Stay Afloat

To keep your business thriving during COVID-19, you may need to adjust your marketing techniques. Getty If you’re like many business owners out there, the coronavirus pandemic has rocked your world. According to a SHRM study, 62% of small businesses say they have experienced a decrease in revenue since the start of Covid-19. To deal with this change in cash flow, you may find yourself having to change up other processes for the time being, such as your marketing strategies.  Marketing During Covid-19: 5 Tips The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of consumers and businesses alike. And, with this major change and a “new normal” comes a new way to market to customers.  To pivot your marketing amidst the coronavirus and help keep your business thriving during trying times, use these five Covid-19 marketing tips. 1. Reassure Your Customers Your customers are your business’s #1 fans. Without them, you wouldn’t be the successful business you are today. In a time with so much un...

The choice platform for online shoppers

Earning money is not an easy task. To now release such hard-earned cash to the hands of unscrupulous elements parading frivolous e-commerce platforms can be nothing but extremely painful. It is no doubt that the pace of online transactions done behind the safety of mobile phones and laptops is being affected by nefarious activities that are promoting insincerity and subverting confidence in e-commerce. Cautious of being victims, most people like my humble self decided to stay away from the e-commerce platforms as veritable means of meeting our buying needs. Even though the traditional arrangement of buying and selling can be quite expensive and stressful, I have refused wholeheartedly to buy into the idea of online transactions despite its derivable opportunities. Only few month ago when I was invited to the birthday party of a close friend did I realized that my fear of not embracing online platforms was borne out of not being in possession of enough information. I was discussin...

Agric produce location

You are what you eat so while not know your product,  where does it comes from?  'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food' - Hippocrates Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine and the quote above is one of his most famous. In summary, Hippocrates is calling on us to consider the nexus between what we eat, the way we eat and our well-being. Every food we eat is a by product of an agriculture produces. This food are then utilized for good health and the treating of illnesses. A lot of attention is being focused, these days, on nutritional therapy - the use of diet and nutrition to help people improve and maintain their health and well-being. There are varied medical conditions for which food products are being deployed for their management, from common cold, flu, and up to chronic diseases, etc. The marketing of food products sourcing is an important knowledge to know, as it tells alot about the process of making the product and it is can be helpful in...

Farm2Door Nigeria

Farm2Door is an initiative under DayDone Ltd to bring farmers to the use of online tools and digital skills. And for consumers to relate to the farm eliminating any middle man, in the process relating consumers the the process and location of what they consume And like make farm produce accessible to their doorstep through DayDone Ltd channel ( and make the Agric Produce Market faster, cheaper, better and more organise.