Marketing Your Business In The Midst Of Covid-19: 5 Tips To Stay Afloat
To keep your business thriving during COVID-19, you may need to adjust your marketing techniques. Getty If you’re like many business owners out there, the coronavirus pandemic has rocked your world. According to a SHRM study, 62% of small businesses say they have experienced a decrease in revenue since the start of Covid-19. To deal with this change in cash flow, you may find yourself having to change up other processes for the time being, such as your marketing strategies. Marketing During Covid-19: 5 Tips The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of consumers and businesses alike. And, with this major change and a “new normal” comes a new way to market to customers. To pivot your marketing amidst the coronavirus and help keep your business thriving during trying times, use these five Covid-19 marketing tips. 1. Reassure Your Customers Your customers are your business’s #1 fans. Without them, you wouldn’t be the successful business you are today. In a time with so much un...